ABOUT - NMJ Cell: 084 786 6240 - Natal Memon Jamaat - Hall for Hire

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The NMJ, through the blessings and Barkat of its generous donors, has been able to continuously carry out welfare projects throughout the year, both lillah and Zakaat.

On an annual basis, we provide bursaries to approximately 60 students for studies at tertiary institutions. Every month we support 90 families, who qualify for zakaat.
Our ad hoc projects on an ongoing basis are done sometimes on our own and sometimes in collaboration with other organisations.

Our current projects as of August 2021 are as follows
1. Loaning of oxygen Concentrators to Covid patients.
2. Feeding at informal settlements in collaboration with Muslim Relief SA, world Memon organisation, and Jamaat un Nisaa.
3. Distribution of vitamin booster packs in collaboration with Muslims for humanity.
Some of the projects which we have done recently
1. Distribution of bread and milk during the unrest that gripped our province
2. Distribution of aknee for Ashura, to Chatsworth, phoenix, Umlazi and Overport areas
3. Setting up and managing Covid triage units, at Hibiscus hospital Camperdown, Ahmed al Kadhi hospital in Durban, and Hibiscus hospital port Shepstone and Helen Joseph Hospital in Gauteng.
4. Set up 19 Covid day care clinics in collaboration with various organizations throughout KZN
5. Distribution of over 55000 food hampers during and after the level 5 lockdown.
6. The NMJ was used as a centre for the Covid vaccinations, in collaboration with IMA.
NMJ also held a Zakaat workshop, which was attended by our trustees. The workshop was conducted in our boardroom, by Learned Moulana’s from the Jamiatul Ulema KZN, who educated our trustees on The different masail of zakat.
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